1-Day Personal Coaching
Business Mastery & Expansive Living
At the end of this 1-day program, you will experience an unforgettable event that has the potential to profoundly influence your perspective and approach to life.
  • For those who aim to take business to the next level
  • 1-on-1 coaching session
  • Psychedelic Session
  • Starting Entrepreneurs
    This personal coaching day is ideal for starting entrepreneurs who want to get concrete about how to turn their businesses into thriving ventures while living in balance.
  • Established Entrepreneurs
    If you're an established entrepreneur facing challenges, this 1-day event will help you identify and tackle the problem with the help of a psychedelic session. You'll also learn how to integrate problem-solving methods into your daily life.
  • Creatives
    Do you ever experience creative blocks or challenges when trying to bring your ideas to life? If yes, then this 1-day event can assist you in developing a tangible plan on how to address and tackle overwhelm and turn your ideas into thriving businesses.
Book this life-changing experience!
Dharma-Trauma Coach & Yoga Teacher
Phone: +49 176 21 72 39 11
Our 1-day personal coaching program is a personalised and intensive program designed to take businesses and personal lives to the next level. This program is ideal for people who have already established a business and want to expand it further. It is also suitable for those who want to restructure their business processes to improve efficiency, for individuals who wish to step out of their 9-5 job and become self-employed, and for those who seek a balanced lifestyle and want to work on solving personal crisis.
During the 1-day program, you will get a personalised coaching session. With this we aim to provide practical insights on how to align personal and business goals which have proved to optimise or establish business operations, improve marketing strategies, and manage finances more effectively.
One of the key benefits of this 1-day program is its focus on life-work balance. You will learn how to develop a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle that supports both you business and personal growth.
A unique benefit is the psychedelic session. This is meant to approach personal and professionals problems with a more open and expansive mind and thus, gaining new, valuable insights. To learn more about this unique feature click the button below.
*Disclaimer: We do not sell drugs, psychedelics or hallucinogens. We offer a safe space for holistic retreats. This is an exclusive iLUMINA program hosted and organised by Josine & Pieter.
Check out Piet’s expert blog on all things psychedelics!
We Illuminate Entrepreneurs. Allow Yourself to Shine!
You deserve this!
“It’s hard to change your habits if you never change the underlying beliefs that led to your past behaviour. You have a new goal and a new plan, but you haven’t changed who you are.” - James Clear
We can‘t wait to meet you in person!