Piet’s Blog
Microdosing Dos & Don’ts
Ah, microdosing - the practice of consuming tiny, subperceptual doses of psychedelics to unlock subtle benefits without the full-blown psychedelic experience. It's a trend that's been gaining popularity in recent years, with proponents touting its potential to enhance mood, creativity, and productivity. But like any tool, microdosing comes with its own set of guidelines and considerations. So, let's delve into the dos and don'ts of microdosing to ensure a safe, effective, and enjoyable experience.
Do: Start Low and Go Slow
When it comes to microdosing, less is often more. Start with a low dose, typically around 1/10th to 1/20th of a standard dose, and gradually increase as needed. Remember, the goal of microdosing is to achieve subtle effects without experiencing full-blown psychedelic effects. It's all about finding the sweet spot that enhances your well-being without interfering with daily activities.

Don't: Microdose Every Day
While it may be tempting to microdose daily in pursuit of continuous benefits, it's essential to give your body and mind time to integrate and reset between doses. Many microdosers follow a regimen of dosing every other day or a few times a week to prevent tolerance buildup and maintain the effectiveness of the practice over time.

Do: Keep a Journal
One of the most valuable tools for microdosing is a journal to track your experiences, observations, and insights. Note any changes in mood, energy levels, creativity, and productivity, as well as any side effects or challenges you may encounter. Over time, you'll be able to identify patterns and adjust your dosing regimen accordingly to optimise your microdosing protocol.

Don't: Expect Immediate Results
Microdosing is a subtle practice that requires patience and consistency to yield noticeable benefits. While some individuals may experience immediate improvements in mood or cognition, others may require several weeks or even months of consistent microdosing to notice significant changes. Remember, microdosing is a journey, not a quick fix.

Do: Prioritise Set and Setting
Just like with full-dose psychedelic experiences, set and setting are crucial factors in the effectiveness of microdosing. Create a supportive environment free from distractions and stressors, and cultivate a positive mindset before embarking on your microdosing journey. Whether it's a walk in nature, a creative project, or a mindful meditation, find activities that complement and enhance the microdosing experience.

Don't: Mix with Alcohol or Other Substances
While microdosing psychedelics is generally considered safe when used responsibly, combining them with alcohol or other substances can increase the risk of adverse effects and diminish the therapeutic benefits. To maximise the effectiveness of microdosing, it's best to abstain from alcohol and other recreational drugs while engaging in the practice.

Do: Listen to Your Body
Above all else, listen to your body and trust your intuition. If something doesn't feel right or if you're experiencing unwanted side effects, take a step back and reassess your microdosing regimen. Remember, everyone's body chemistry is unique, so what works for one person may not work for another. Honour your body's signals and adjust your approach accordingly.

Microdosing can be a powerful tool for enhancing mood, creativity, and productivity when approached with intention, mindfulness, and respect. By following these do's and don'ts of microdosing, you can navigate the world of subperceptual psychedelic exploration with confidence and ease. So, grab your journal, set your intentions, and embark on a journey of microdosing self-discovery with the guidance and support of the Astara crew by your side.